One Touch International

About COLIM's One Touch International Ministry

The One Touch International Midwifery Ministry at COLIM is a divine and unique facet of our ministry, dedicated to discerning and revealing God’s call upon individuals’ lives. Rooted in the belief that each person has a God-ordained purpose, this ministry is committed to unlocking the potential and destiny of every believer.

The heart of the One Touch International Midwifery Ministry is centered on discerning the specific callings and purposes that God has for individuals. Through prayer, mentorship, and spiritual insight, we seek to uncover the unique destinies woven into the fabric of each person’s life.

Once God’s call is revealed, our ministry is dedicated to empowering individuals to confidently step into their God-ordained destinies. We believe that as individuals embrace and walk in their divine purpose, they become instruments of God’s transformative power in the world.


Unlocking Destinies, One Touch at a Time – Where Divine Callings Find Purpose.

Contribution to Our Purpose

The One Touch International Midwifery Ministry aligns seamlessly with COLIM’s overarching purpose of bringing people closer to God and fostering spiritual growth. By helping individuals discover and pursue their God-given purposes, this ministry contributes significantly to the overall vibrancy and effectiveness of COLIM as a transformative force.
"Discover your calling and support others on their spiritual journey by joining the One Touch International Midwifery Ministry. Together, we unlock divine potential and advance God's kingdom on earth."